Cheryl H. asked a question to Fitness & Leisure Instructor
Category: Salary
Date asked: mercredi, février 1, 2023
Last reviewed: jeudi, février 2, 2023
Erica S.
Costumer Sales & Service executive
Hi Cheryl!
Thank you for your question!
The salary depends on the role and if you are hired locally or for our flexible contract. For our flexible fitness & Leisure instructors the basic salary is now 950 EUR NET monthly in all our destinations. All this information you can find at
Hope this helps!
jeudi, février 2, 2023
Gerarda H.
Fitness & Leisure instructor
Hi Cheryl,
Thank you so much Erica for answering already so clearly your question, Cheryl. I can only add that your accommodation and 3 meals are always included in your contract working as a fitness- and leisure instructor. That’s a very nice thing, you don’t need to pay any rent or electricity costs at destination.
jeudi, février 2, 2023
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