Picture of Say I got a Job, in software development, and my closest head office is Luton

Say I got a Job, in software development, and my closest head office is Luton

Picture of Toni
Picture of Olivia
2 responses

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Would I be able to travel to head office like twice/3 times a month. Another question would TUI provide you with the relevant equipment (Laptop or ipad or whatever) to fulfill your job when working from home?

Ethan H. asked during the live chat Life in Head Office at TUI to TUI

Category: Open positions

Date asked: Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Last reviewed: Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Picture of Toni B.

Toni B.

Supplier Connectivity Manager

Hi Ethan, I think you would just need to discuss with you manager what works for you and the area you work in. There may be days everyone needs to be in. You would get equipment to be able to work from home like a laptop.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Picture of Olivia M.

Olivia M.

Social Media Manager - Marella Cruises

Just to add, we're really flexible at TUI as long as it works for the job you're doing and the team you work with :)

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

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