Could you please tell me more about the CAN employee network at the head office :) ?
Anonymous asked a question to Human Resources
Category: About us
Date asked: Monday, October 21, 2024
Last reviewed: Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Miranda S.
Wellbeing & Inclusion Lead
Yes sure, TUI CAN - Caribbean & African employee network group was set up to bring together all TUI colleagues from all across the Group, (not just head office), who either identify as having any kind of Caribbean and/or African background, are allies and/or anyone else who just wants to learn more about the black and mixed-race experience.
We have created a safe space for socialising, sharing and learning. We aim to drive any necessary changes through the business’ DE&I strategy, to benefit both our internal colleagues and our external customers.
Through chats on MS Teams, video calls, in-person events, podcasts, articles and more, we’ll build an engaged community of Afro-Caribbean TUI colleagues and allies.
Our employee network is one of celebration open to all, and we pledge to keep that energy, whether we’re celebrating our cultures during a brunch event, or celebrating each other by spotlighting colleagues’ success stories on our internal intranet and external social channels.
We have three mantras:
1. Good vibes only:
TUI CAN is a place of positivity and celebration. We’ll keep the energy high through virtual engagement and special events held IRL.
2. You can’t be what you can’t see:
We aim to influence and lead change internally and externally by spotlighting internal success and empowering our community to take action.
3. Knowledge is power:
By sharing cultural experiences and building a safe space for difficult conversation, we’ll create a resource for learning amongst ourselves and for educating others.
Monday, October 21, 2024
Sounds amazing, thank you. Loved reading about TUI’s all black crew this BHM.
Wednesday, October 23, 2024