How is this company different to your expectations before joining?
Anonymous asked a question to Olivia M.
Category: Experience
Date asked: lundi, mars 7, 2022
Last reviewed: lundi, mars 7, 2022
Olivia M.
Social Media Manager - Marella Cruises
I found it really interesting when I joined TUI as the reality compared to my expectations was so different. All I associated TUI with was going on holiday which is our product, obviously. However, I failed to think about the amount of people that would work here. I only really thought about roles in our Retail stores, Contact Centres, Airports and in destination. However, we have so many different areas of the business that make up our Head Office functions from Sales & Marketing to Legal. There's a massive array of roles and people who do this roles which means there are so many different projects to get involved with that all contribute to our product of holidays but may
not always be the main focus.
lundi, mars 7, 2022
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