Picture of To Alina and Madita, which soft skill you consider to have used/developed the most for your role.

To Alina and Madita, which soft skill you consider to have used/developed the most for your role.

Picture of Alina
7 responses

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And what did you do to further develop them (if applicable)?

Andreia C. asked during the live chat Life in Digital & Tech to TUI

Category: Role Description

Date asked: Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Last reviewed: Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Madita W.

Business Analyst

I guess to be open minded is very important furthermore you need to be pacient. In my role I am inbetween business and IT so I am often like a translator to connect different stakeholders, bring them together and help to find the best solution together.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Picture of Alina D.

Alina D.


I'd say for me it would be either communication or flexibility. As we're commonly working in scrum style settings we work on different topics pretty regularly and need to communicate clearly with your fellow developers and business analysts. TUI is a big company so it's always worth trying to find out if someone already has experience and wants to share

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Madita W.

Business Analyst

To further development TUI provided my team a course "Insights" to find out my personal strenght and weakenesses, as well as the ones from the team. So we can build a great team together as we understand how the others are thinking. :)

feel free to ask more specific. :)

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Andreia C.

Yuu mentioned scrum. Do you only work in Agile or also other PM methodologies?
If you work in both, how do you decide (if up to you) which methodology should be used over the other?
It's not common in the market to have a full-Agile tech team managing all "tech-related" topics in a company.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Madita W.

Business Analyst

In my team we work in KANBAN. We decided as a team to do so. We first had scrum and then tried KANBAN, which suits us better.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Picture of Alina D.

Alina D.


In my team we're using scrum because our team is bigger and we figured it would make the most sense for us to align on topics and timelines. In my previous team we used Kanban as the team was smaller and it was harder to really commit on timelines. We have agile coaches to help teams figure out what works best for them and reevaluate this choice from time to time (~ annually)

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Andreia C.

Currently I switch between scrum and waterfall (depending on the project) and it's difficult to manage several teams with distinct methodologies. Thanks for your input!

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

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